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3 fundamental steps to a healthy and sustainable life


Written by the creator of Individuality Empowerment Martina Londero.

The 23rd of May is Turtle day, if you sincerely want to be an active role in

protecting our planet this month challenge yourself and do the first step to

upgrade your life. Change one of your habits that is detrimental for you and our

beautiful earth to a sustainable one.

In 2014 I decided I would do anything I could to make a difference, for my own health and the health of others. After devoting this past 7 years diligently studying wellness and sustainability, I gradually realized that in order to see fundamental changes in the world I had to change myself first. I couldn’t wait for someone else to do the first step. I had to be the one. I also realized there are so many easy ways we can all do that. Starting with improving our food consumption, reducing our plastic intake, and reusing as much as possible what we already possess is essential.

If I think of my routine back then I notice how my life changed just by focusing on

doing one small step at a time.

step 1: food consumption

It all started with changing my habits toward food consumption. Before I

was eating what advertisements were telling me to buy such as processed cereals,

processed cookies, processed snacks, and so on. What the advertisement doesn’t

tell you is the harmful effect of processed food on your health. I’ve learned that

processed foods are high in sugar, fat, salt, and chemical additives which can be

harmful to your health. Processed foods are linked to an increased risk of health

problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, elevated bad cholesterol, cancer, and depression.

I thought the cereals I was buying were healthy until I checked the ingredients.

Added sugar, added salt, added fat, and added chemicals I’m still unable to


According to the Harvard School of public health highly processed foods “are foods

that go beyond the incorporation of salt, sweeteners, or fat to include

artificial colors and flavors and preservatives that promote shelf stability, preserve

texture, and increase palatability. […] It is speculated that these foods are designed to specifically increase cravings so that people will overeat them and purchase more. They are typically ready-to-eat with minimal additional preparation. Not all but some of these foods tend to be low in fiber and nutrients. Examples are sugary drinks, cookies, some crackers, chips, and breakfast cereals, some frozen dinners, and luncheon meats. […]

Contrary to the packaged food I had years ago, when I look at my fridge and cupboard I see food as it comes from nature. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and unprocessed cereals.


Nowadays I usually start the day with porridge or a refreshing smoothie bowl which in addition to supplying me the energy and motivation genuinely needed to begin the day with, naturally allows the creative part of myself to try different recipes and combinations.

My lunch and dinner are typically a meal of mixed vegetables, legumes, nuts, rice (or other whole grains) and more all served on a single medium to a large bowl. It is a rainbow of cheerful colors and flavors which changes depending on the nutritious food I have weekly.

(Even my friends know that the best gift I can receive is whole foods.)


After reducing my junk food I decided to go further and check for ways to reduce plastic or reuse items.

I didn't ditch junk just from my food. It expanded to my mind and my belongings. When I carefully look at what I possess, I hear the words reusable and recycle. I don’t buy plastic cups, plates, bags, cutlery, bottles, and so on because I know there are so many precious materials that can replace them and produce a beneficial impact on the planet. Now I try not to buy food wrapped in plastic. I look for refill shops where you can bring and refill your containers. Those are great alternatives to supermarkets and they produce almost no waste.

I now keep glass jars from the food I buy and refill them with any food. When I cook I keep what cook in those jars. When I go to a refill shop I use them to store anything else. They are perfect for everything.

I even use a small glass jar to keep my toothbrush, which it upgraded to a bamboo one. In addition to my bamboo toothbrush, I also have 100% biodegradable floss, a coconut shell as a soap dish, and a bamboo hai comb.

As soon as I tried my first bamboo toothbrush and floss I could feel the difference. They are softer and more gentle. I would personally never go back to the plastic version. Bamboo is one of the most versatile plants and more sustainable for the planet. You can find almost everything made of bamboo such as cutleries, hair combs, straws, clothes, and even houses. If you check online the list is as limitless as your creativity.

My coconut shell soap dish is made from a coconut I bought years ago, sanded, and cleaned it. It is a very strong material and as bamboo, it can be used in many ways. For example, you can find great coconut bowls where you can eat in instead of takeaway plastic ones. There are numerous benefits of reducing, reusing, and recycling.

As listed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the benefits are:

Saves energy

Prevents pollution caused by reducing the need to harvest new raw materials

Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change

Helps sustain the environment for future generations

Saves money

Reduces the amount of waste that will need to be recycled or sent to landfills and incinerators

Allows products to be used to their fullest extent”

Who knew you could benefit so much by reusing? Be creative, recycle and reuse what you have. That’s the key. I’m aware we created a society where we encourage people to buy more and more but the truth is: It is not sustainable and it shouldn’t be considered normal.


My mindset toward clothes and accessories had to change too if I wanted to be as sustainable as I could. “Globally the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions, with textile production alone is estimated to release 1.2 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every year. Vast amounts of water are also needed to produce the clothes we wear too and the fashion industry is responsible for 20% of global wastewater. [...] Globally, around 56 million tonnes of clothing are bought each year, and this is expected to rise to 93 million tonnes by 2030 and 160 million tonnes by 2050." Says an article published by the BBC. Now my clothes and other goods are mostly recycled from people who didn’t need them anymore.

I’ve begun from using my family member’s clothes to friends ones and later on, I discovered a free sharing app called Olio and groups on Facebook that give away things they don’t use. By doing this we can all save those valuable items by being trashed in a landfill and reduce the greenhouse emission and wasted water produced by the fashion industry.

Most of the time those clothes are in perfect condition and of better quality than the cheap ones you find in shops. You can look great, save money and save the planet at the same time by reusing your clothes and recycling.

I write the FOURTH step of my journey as a bonus.

After spending 7 years researching and finally finding solutions to follow a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle (although still in progress) I wanted to go beyond just myself and share with anyone all the tips and strategies to achieve a worthier life. After helping friends and family to achieve a fulfilling life and seeing the results, I had a desire to expand. I wanted to create a platform where people around the world could help each other to overcome obstacles we face in our daily life.


A month ago I had a vision of a website where people were working together to support and encourage their own uniqueness and fighting for a better future. This website is called Individuality Empowerment. I knew I had to transform this vision into reality and I immediately started working on how to make this project possible.

Now Individuality Empowerment is a unique place where individuals get empowered for who they are and acknowledge the extraordinary power they have on their daily choices.

We are aiming to develop a library or a “city” where people can find sustainable businesses, people’s authentic personal stories, advice, and ultimately work together toward a greener and happier future. It takes nothing to be part of the community and be the game-changer.

Freeing yourself from prejudices and following a sustainable lifestyle leave you with limitless benefits. You just need to start to see them.

This lifestyle will positively impact your mind, your body, and others around you. If you can't find people around you supporting your true self and your desire for a better life, Individuality Empowerment is here to do that. Follow us and share the platform with the whole world! Feel free to contact us anytime. Facebook Instagram Website

People might think I had to give up many things to follow this lifestyle, but I hadn’t. I just upgraded my life by ditching vicious habits that are destroying my health, our planet, and wildlife.

It may seem difficult at first since we are following an unfamiliar path, but as soon as you familiarize yourself with the new features, your possibilities become limitless.

Now more than ever we have the possibility to shop from sustainable businesses like TerraMavi and connect with communities and individuals from all over the world who are fighting courageously to see a better future. Be the game changer, take the step you need to go beyond your limits.

The best time to be the best version of yourself is here and now.


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